Support documents, infographics, and videos for your most urgent needs!

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Microsoft Teams Support

Quick-VIDS Video - Using the Chat Feature

Quick-VIDS Video - Using the Video Chat Feature

Quick-VIDS Video - Schedule Meetings in the Teams App

Quick-VIDS Video - Schedule Meetings in Microsoft Outlook 365

Quick-Vids Schedule Teams Meeting in Outlook on the Web

Quick-VIDS Video - Schedule a Live Event

Quick-VIDS Video - Copy Meeting Link Into Your LMS

Live Event Webinar - Overview of Microsoft Teams (30 Minutes)

🖹 Google Doc - Hot Teams Tips

🖹 Google Doc - Live Event Checklist

🖹 Google Doc - How To Create a Live Event

Google Classroom Support

Recorded Teams Meeting - Google Classroom Overview

🖼️ Infographic - TISD Google Classroom Standardization

🖹 Google Doc - Google Classroom Checklist

Google Slides - Classroom Training Presentation

Google Slides - Help Resources

Other Teacher Needs